Sunday, June 7, 2009

Busy Bee!

So with summer officially started as of a week ago I have been as busy as a bee! I find myself hardly ever home because I'm always out with my favorite people, my amazing friends. This weekend I went to battle of the bands, which ended up being a great time! Ellen, Danielle, and I met up with a few of our other friends so we could see our friends who were in it play. When our friend Kyle went to play we got up and started dancing and singing, it was a blast! I was a dancing machine that day and I'm pretty sure everyone was jealous of my TOTALLY AWESOME moves! haha. I got to catch up with a few people who I hadn't talked to in a while as well which is always nice. That night was great too, I'm glad Sarah convinced me to hang out with her and everyone else!

The girls.
Danielle, me, Ellen.
Sarah and I.

So unfortunately, I can't say yesterday was as good as Friday. I found myself in a really sad mood for reasons I'm not sure. One thing that I could blame is West Side Story, I love that movie, but the ending really gets me every time. Later on I went to the cemetery to put some flowers on my grandfathers grave, and what happens next will probably seem hilarious. That sounds very weird probably, how can a cemetery have anything to do with comedy, well yesterday it did. I managed to lock myself out of my car for a good SOLID HOUR. Yes, I know, I'm really quite an idiot for getting myself locked out of my car, at such an odd place too! So my phone ended up being in the car as well as the keys sitting upon the drivers seat just staring at me with deceitful eyes, stuck with no way of getting a hold of someone I had to whip out all my survival skills to get into the car, and after an hour I finally succeeded. Now, today, I have a bruised up arms that are incredibly sore and an interesting story. What a day yesterday was, hmph.

Today's Playlist:
The Wake Up Song- The Submarines
Lover, You Shoulda Come Up- Jeff Buckley
Calendar Girl- Stars
Pagan Angel and A Borrowed Car- Iron & Wine

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